Dobble Debate logo, two capital D's, Dobble in orange, Debate in blue

Dobble Debate

debating with a difference

Dobble Debate is a game that uses play and humour to help people talk and learn about disabilities.

Click the arrow for an explanation of our use of the word "disabilities"? Dobble Debate recognizes that every individual's life experience is different, and changes significantly based on their current environment. Therefore, we would like to refine our use of the term disability by explicitly acknowledging the D/deaf and hard of hearing, disability, differing abilities, autism, and neurodiversity plus (DDDAND+) communities. This acronym does not cover all the diverse identities usually lumped under 'disability'; we are using it to draw attention to the variety of human experience and everyday innovation. Please get in touch if you would like to comment or give us feedback.

Play a Ready-to-Go Game or get inspired by Pre-baked examples.

icon of pie fresh out of the oven, pre-baked label and arrow icon of pie fresh out of the oven, pre-baked label and arrow

The Bake-your-Own guide and assets can help you to create your own game.

icon of bowl, spoon and ingredients, bake-your-own label and arrow icon of bowl, spoon and ingredients, bake-your-own label and arrow focus

Check out our Educator's Guide to learn more about Dobble Debate.

icon of apple, educator's guide label and arrow focus icon of apple, educator's guide label and arrow focus